A list-making bender … or something like that.

I started writing about happiness here and here. It’s one of the major things going on in my life right now. It’s everywhere I turn, at home and work. And it’s there because I’ve put it there! I’ve always hated the mundane routine of life and work. I didn’t think there was anything I could do about so I got used to the highs and lows. I’ve finally found something that works for me!

I’ve talked about how happy lists make me feel and I’ve been on list-making benders but they’ve never stuck. I saw the benefit and they made me feel good, but there was something missing. Until now. I start every workday by prioritizing my day. I make my hours work for me. I make realistic days based on priorities and things that must get done. {Not to be confused with should be done. That’s a different list.}

Here’s the downfall to my lists…drop-bys. A person who stops in your office to chat. Sometimes it’s a social stop and other times it’s a work-related stop. {I’m fortunate and don’t get too many social stops.} While I enjoy the personal interaction, it ruins my list and can put me very off track! I really have to work overtime and quickly in order to make up for that time, which could be bypassed if I consistently gave myself the breaks I know I’ll need. {I’m pregnant and we don’t have a working bathroom nearby. Allow time.} Sometimes I over- or under-estimate time required for tasks so I can go longer on one and shorter on the other and still keep on track. Other times I have to make sacrifices and decide if I need to keep focusing on the task. This usually means the should do item waits another day.

With my nighttime routine, I’m creating the same routines every night. I have nightly chores like picking up the living room, but then I’ve got a list of things I want to do throughout the week. One night it might be to organize the kitchen junk drawers and the next night it might be to launder the towels. The intent is to be deliberate throughout the week and eliminate the amount of housework I do on the weekends. I’ve always struggled with doing these things during the week because I didn’t want to take away from family time. In my old ways I sat down as soon as Maximus went to bed. Now I keep going. If I move from task to task, I don’t feel tired until 9. Then I’m usually physical exhausted and need to sit down and relax.

I’m enjoying my newfound ways at home and work. I leave work feeling accomplished and love being able to throw away my list at the end of the day. I’ve found it’s a great way to get rid of those nagging tasks that I just don’t want to do. I’d rather cross that item off than continue to ignore it in my follow-up folder. I’m going to bed each night feeling exhausted in a good way. I don’t lay awake in bed for more than 15 minutes and I have a peaceful feeling about myself when I put my head on my pillow.

How do you make sure you’re living the happiest life you can? What resources help you? 

2 thoughts on “A list-making bender … or something like that.

  1. Hold.the.phone. are you doing “getting things done”? I just stumbled upon it.

    1. I just did a quick search on it. I think I took something that was based off of that but taught by our company. I also took an Outlook one before that. It has helped me organize my emails, but it didn’t get me there completely. Are you reading a book or following something online?

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