My little ray of sunshine

This baby is giving me gray hair. There’s no doubt about it. One minute he was playing on the floor in Maximus’ room. The next he was sitting in the middle of Maximus’ bed. It literally took him two tries to get his chubby little leg up onto the bed and he hauled himself up with little effort. He’s definitely the cause of most of my gray hairs.

10-month-old baby climbs into toddler bed
10-month-old baby climbs into toddler bed

Besides climbing up in his big brother’s bed, Quinten is walking along everything. It’s been a while since he’s tried to use something smaller than himself as a support. He is the primary reason we bought a new dining room table. Our card table wasn’t a good match for Quinten and he didn’t seem to care that chairs kept falling on top of him.

A one-handed big deal
A one-handed big deal

Quinten is such a happy guy, unless he’s hungry. He doesn’t have much time for waiting around. And he’s got a tantrum with a side of lungs. That’s especially fun at 3 am. Err, not that we would ever hear that at 3 am. Unless of course you’ve been in our house for the past two months. Then you’d know how awful that sound comes when you’re asleep one minute and listening to that horrible screaming the next. I heard a rumor that month 10 was when sleeping became a thing.

Mama's boy
Mama’s boy

Eh, I suppose I don’t really care if sleeping is his thing or not. When he looks at me like this I forget all the sleepless nights I’ve had. I forget about how he’s into everything. I forget that his mission in life appears to be getting into trouble. I forget that he thinks it’s funny to bite. And most importantly, I forget about all my worries. When this little guy smiles it’s like there’s nothing else in the world. He might be giving me most of my gray hair, but he’s also my sunshine.






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