Too Much Partying

We had another busy weekend full of a garage sale, birthday party, dinner with friends, and graduation. In a major mom fail move, I have no pictures. I started out the calendar year taking a picture per day. I slacked real quick on actually posting the pictures, but I still took them. No I barely take them. Like I said, mom fail!

This past week and weekend our sleep schedule has been thrown out the window. Too many late nights may have created our first bump in our sleeping schedule. I thought he would adjust but it doesn’t seem like he is. Last night he decided he’d rather stay up and play with us. He seemed ok with his schedule when he woke up this morning. I’ve always heard, the earlier they go to bed the later they sleep. Well, we had 8:30-6 as opposed to 7:15-6:30. So I guess I’ll buy into that.

Another change to our weekend was how Maximus dealt with all the activity. He was ok with all the people and didn’t cry when anyone held him. (They were almost all family.) But he did start to show some shyness tendencies when people first talked to him. He buried his head and peeked at people until he was ready to look at them. When he buried his head, he also stuck his thumb in his mouth. I noticed him sucking his thumb a lot more often. I know it’s a comfort thing for him but I haven’t seen him do it when he’s not tired.

He did a good job eating in public but didn’t eat as much as he would have at home. There’s too much to look at and it gets boring to have spoonfuls of food in your face. 🙂 He didn’t have a lot of luck with food he could munch on so I’m sure that added to the distraction.

This weekend was a good test for next weekend when my nephew graduates….during nap time.

1 thought on “Too Much Partying

  1. […] back to bite me. Sometimes not. This was the last thing on my mind when I posted yesterday’s blog. I was looking for an outlet. I was sharing my “pain” with […]

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